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The Taliban Takeover

The Taliban, or the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, is a Deobandi Islamist religious-political organisation, tracing its roots back to the Afghan Civil War (1992-1996). It originated as an insurgency movement of religious students, looking to establish the rule of Islamic law in Afghanistan by overthrowing the warlords who reigned in the chaos of the raging Civil War. But in the decades since then, it has evolved from an insurgency movement to a powerful organisation and now perhaps even a recognised government, controlling over 90% of the country at various points through history. Over the years, they have been accused and proven guilty of various terrorist activities, and found in gross violation of various humanitarian laws, eventually leading to the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan by the US-led coalition. But on 4th April 2021, after almost 20 years of brutal war, the US Government announced its decision to withdraw its troops, leaving Afghanistan to the rule of the hardline Taliban, exactly as it had started. As on 30th August 2021, the evacuation of the US military from Afghanistan stands completed, with President Joe Biden announcing the official conclusion to the Afghanistan war on the 31st of August. All that can be said, as of now, is that the new government’s commitment to upholding their claims of peaceful and amicable intentions remains to be tested. And only time will tell whether we are bearing witness to the liberation or the condemnation of the Afghani people.

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